A Better Way To Service & Repair HVAC. (610) 253-8399

No commissions. Period.
TruTech CertifiedTM technicians are never paid a commission. In fact, you’ll never pay a commission at Pricefixer, which can save you hundreds of dollars.
Did you know that some HVAC service company technicians are paid a handsome commission (the higher your bill, the more they make) on every call? It’s true, they are referred to as “selling technicians” and can spend hundreds of hours learning how to upsell their customers by professional sales trainers. That system is old, outdated and considers you, the customer, to be “fair game” when a selling technician enters your home. The more you pay, the more they make. That never sounded good to us, and probably not to you either.
At Pricefixer, your TruTech CertifiedTM technician spends time in the classroom too, but learning the most efficient and effective techniques to repair your system, not learning how to sell you stuff you don’t need. TruTech Certified technicians are never paid a commission. This provides you with peace-of-mind knowing that every repair or rebuild is completed with true transparency. No upselling and never any part or repair that you don’t need. By the way, no commissions — ever — applies to any service we perform for you, which includes maintenance, repairs, rebuilds and new systems.
Providing better warranties, lower prices and guaranteeing everything we do is not only our company slogan, it’s how we do business — every day.