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So far awarren has created 10 blog entries.

Smart Homeowners in the Easton Area are Opting for Smart Thermostats

2019-08-16T13:24:17+00:00August 16th, 2019|

Definition of smart thermostat Besides the primary task of maintaining a set temperature, “Smart” thermostats have the added functionality of being able to automatically adjust the temperature of your home based on your schedule, on the temperature outside, and on modifications you make to it from your computer, tablet, or mobile device. Having the ability [...]

Why Programmable Thermostats are a Popular Option in the Easton Area

2019-08-16T13:25:14+00:00August 16th, 2019|

Definition of programmable thermostat A programmable thermostat adjusts the temperature of your home based on preset temperatures and times you’ve programmed into it. No more forgetting to turn up the AC before you leave the house for work; a programmable thermostat does the work for you by automatically keeping your Easton area home warmer during [...]

Everything You Need to Know About Your Basic Thermostat

2019-07-26T17:12:50+00:00July 26th, 2019|

Often overlooked or unnoticed, the thermostat is one of most important and commonly utilized devices today. Regulating the temperature in homes, offices, and commercial buildings all over the world, this small apparatus has a very big job. For your Easton area home, it's vital you understand these devices before you consider replacing one or installing [...]

Are You Picking the Perfect Thermostat for Your Home?

2019-07-22T12:29:12+00:00July 22nd, 2019|

The once plain and lowly thermostat has changed quite a bit in the past twenty years. It was once s a relatively simple device used to control a home's temperature, and has now become a technologically-sophisticated device doing much more than adjusting your home's temperature. The thermostat was invented in the mid-19th century when the [...]

Ductless Systems in Pennsylvania and New Jersey- Heating & Cooling Systems Explained

2019-07-12T12:29:15+00:00July 12th, 2019|

What Is a Ductless System? A ductless air conditioning system is an energy-efficient system that can cool (or heat) rooms and zones of a home without needing ductwork. Ductless systems provide a suitable AC option for homes that don’t have the space for ducts or for homeowners who’d rather not tear up their walls to [...]

A Split System in the Easton Area- Heating & Cooling Systems Explained

2019-07-05T12:06:54+00:00July 5th, 2019|

What Is a Split System? The most common type of central air conditioning system used in the U.S. is the “split” type of system. It’s called a “split” system because it’s comprised of two main components, one located inside the home and one located outside the home. The interior component, also known as the air [...]

Pennsylvania and New Jersey’s Best Guide for Heating and Cooling Systems

2019-06-24T17:19:09+00:00June 24th, 2019|

When you’re in the market for a new air-conditioning or heating system and trying to determine which of the heating and cooling systems is the best for your home, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the number of different options, types of systems and selections available. If only there was one place that easily explained [...]

SEER Options Easton-Area Homeowners Should Definitely Check Out

2019-06-24T17:19:55+00:00June 24th, 2019|

It’s easy to take your air conditioner for granted. You likely never give it a moment’s thought as it hums quietly in the background cooling your Easton, PA area home to the perfect temperature on those sweltering hot days… until suddenly it doesn’t. Next thing you know you’re on the phone with an AC company [...]

How to Determine Your Ideal SEER – 5 Simple Steps That Will Work for You in Easton, PA

2019-06-24T17:10:56+00:00June 24th, 2019|

Breakdown of SEER The SEER rating on an air conditioning unit is one of the most important factors you should take into account when purchasing a new unit for your home. SEER, which stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, is a number that indicates the maximum energy efficiency of a central air conditioning (AC) unit [...]

Simplifying SEER and Understanding Your Easton Area HVAC Unit

2019-06-24T17:07:12+00:00June 24th, 2019|

  The Definition of SEER What is SEER? The short and simple explanation of SEER is that it’s a number assigned to an AC unit indicating its energy efficiency. The higher the SEER number, the more energy efficient the system is, which is important because an energy-efficient unit will not only reduce your monthly utility [...]